Foreclosure notice

Can I Sell My Home After Receiving a Foreclosure Notice?

Yes! You remain the owner of the home despite the foreclosure process. Therefore, you have every legal right to list, market, and sell your home at any time. The only caveat to this is that with each notice you receive regarding the foreclosure, it gets harder to complete the sale. There are more hurdles to overcome, and the lender becomes more and more aggressive and less willing to work with you. Further, buyers may become unwilling to take the risk of buying a home in foreclosure. With this in mind, it is important to move forward quickly in order to ensure the best financial result from the sale of your home. Having an Attorney/Realtor handle your listing and sale will assist in overcoming the challenges stated above. The Attorney/Realtor can use legal tactics to delay the foreclosure while also reassuring the buyer that the sale will be successful (all without any additional costs or fees over the traditional commission).

If you are dealing with long-term financial challenges, selling the home once it is in foreclosure may be your best financial option. A sale will not only resolve the foreclosure, but it will also mitigate the effects on your credit rating as well as secure any remaining equity you may have and put that money in your pocket. Even if the value of the home is below the balance on the mortgage, selling the home via a short sale can be a financially advantageous option as it avoids the foreclosure and could result in a lump sum relocation payment to help you achieve a fresh start.

At Lawyers Realty Group, we specialize in helping homeowners communicate effectively with their lenders and negotiating the most financially advantageous solution to their mortgage problems. If you are facing default or foreclosure, contact an Attorney/Realtor today at (949) 264-0966 to obtain a FREE legal analysis of ALL your options and secure the best possible financial outcome.


  1. Can I sell my home if I am behind on my payments?
  2. Can I sell my home if I’m in default or facing foreclosure?
  3. Can I sell my home after receiving a foreclosure notice?
  4. Benefits of selling your home to avoid foreclosure
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  13. Can I sell my home if it is tenant occupied?
  14. What is an “attorney/realtor” and why do you need one?
  15. Can I sell my home if I have a reverse mortgage?
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